Wow. So I basically fell off the Earth for about two months now. BUT DON'T WORRY! I will be writing again soon! This is just a quick note to let people know I'm not like, dead or something. Stay tuned for what's to come!
-Hypoallergenic products: What they are and what are the options?
-Skin 101: What's your type and how to care for it, both inside and out.
-Crazy for Colors- The best brands for the bright, intense rocker colors.
-And MY FAVORITE- I'm doing a product review on Too Faced Long Stem Lashes (it JUST came out!). Similar to Latisse, it promises to grow your lashes, adding both length and volume! (Added bonus? It WILL NOT dye your eyelids or the actual iris like Latisse can!). The only thing is you see full effects after EIGHT weeks, so this blog won't be up until around September!
Don't worry, I have other ideas floating around too! And of course, feel free to ask me any questions! I'll be glad to help you out! Thanks for hanging in there!